Congratulations to the Dallas Tigers Hernandez for winning the 2012 AABC Mickey Mantle World Series. Tigers Hernandez have now won their third straight National Championship in as many years, winning Super Series World Series in 2010, AABC Ken Griffey Jr. National Championship in 2011 and now the AABC Mickey Mantle. My hats off to every kid on this team. Each one of these kids had a role and played it to the best of their ability. Their sacrifice, confidence, resilience, attitude and heart are what separates these guys from many, many other teams. Thank you to the parents for their support!
TOP ROW: Coach Mike Barnes, Bryar Barnes, Greg Smyers, Beau Burrows, Jake Wilcox, Benn Hawkins, Connor Wanhanen, Brad Barnett, Mitchell Hansen, Kent Myers, Bryce Carter, Seth Jordan, Coach Steve Arias, Coach Tommy Hernandez, BOTTOM ROW: bat boy, Christian Myers, Brandon Maine, Cal Hernandez, Ryan Robertson, Ryan Cottingame, Tanner Gardner, Garrett McCain. NOT SHOW: Foster Sawyer, Coach Kyle Woods
Read a full story in the McKinney Town Square Buzz: Mickey Mantle World Series, Dallas Tigers Keep Title in Texas