Dallas Tigers Operation Paperback

We will be collecting gently used books and magazines to send them to American troops deployed overseas.  The collection begins 2/1/2010 and concludes 2/21/2010.  The magazine do not need to be current issues.

Many of our troops are serving far from home and living in facilities that provide few of the comforts of home. At the end of the duty day, the opportunity to escape into a good book or magazine is welcomed. Our service members make sacrifices every day for our country. It takes so little to let them know that we appreciate what they are doing for us. When you donate to Dallas Tigers Operation Paperback, you will let our troops know that you support them, and you have not forgotten them.

You can drop off boxes at 224 Cove, Coppell any time up until the deadline.  THEN, later in the month we’ll go out to the airport to meet the troops when they come in.  Watch your emails for the date and time.  If you haven’t done this before, it is an amazing experience for kids and adults to show our troops we appreciate them.